Conditional content
Conditional messages for instructors
Provide meaningful and actionable guidance over the life of a course.
UX design, UX research, visual design, and product marketing
Create a conditional message for each potential scenario during the life of a course.
Good to know
- The content is in bold after each scenario
- Angle brackets indicate underlined text
- When needed, to clarify the scope of what the instructor will see, we underlined a noun phrase instead of the verb
- To avoid separating underlined copy post translation, we kept underlines to two words
- The screen capture shows message placement only
Scenario 1: Pre-course, all assignments are published. Students have access to the course material.
Assignments are ready. Get familiar with <your students>.
Scenario 2: Pre-course: All assignments are published. No students have access to the course material.
Your course starts soon. <Invite students> to access the material.
Scenario 3: Pre-course: All students have access to the course material. Some assignments aren’t published or readings aren’t scheduled.
Some of your assignments aren’t published. <Publish now>.
Scenario 4: Mid-course, no assignments; we assume the instructor isn’t going to create any. Calling attention to another feature that might be of value to them.
Call attention to important content by <sharing notes> and highlights.
Scenario 5: Mid-course and assignment is due.
Check progress for the <next assignment> due in <#> days.
Scenario 6: Mid-course: The due date has arrived for one or more assignments
<Check scores> for today’s assignment(s) after the due time has passed.
Scenario 7: Mid-course: Multiple assignments are due on the same day
Your students have multiple assignments due in # days. <Check progress>.
Scenario 8: Mid-course and all assignment due dates have passed.
All due dates have come and gone. <Check grades>.
Scenario 9: Message instructors 5 days before the course ends
Your course ends in <#> days. <Copy it> to use again.